The Testimony of Truth


The following translation has been committed to the public domain and may be freely copied and used, changed or unchanged, for any purpose. It is based on the Coptic text of Nag Hammadi Codex I, 1. The Nag Hammadi texts were written in the fourth century, subsequently buried, and then rediscovered in 1945. This tractate urges readers to renounce worldly pleasures and embrace spiritual truth.

This translation from the Coptic is by Samuel Zinner and was edited by Mark M. Mattison with the generous support of Other Gospels.


  [ ] Gap in the text (known as a “lacuna”)
  ( ) Editorial insertion to clarify the text
< > Editorial correction of a scribal error
[29] Page number of the Coptic codex (hyperlinked)


The Law

[29] But I will address those who know how to pay heed, not with ears of the body, but with ears of the heart, because many there are who have looked for the truth but could not find it, because the old leaven of the Pharisees[1] and scribes of the Law has overpowered them. “Leaven,” however, is the erring lust of the angels, and the demons, and the stars.

The Pharisees and scribes, however, belong to the archons who possess authority [over them], because no one who lives under (obligation to) the Law can gaze upward to the truth, given that it is impossible to serve two masters,[2] because the pollution of the Law is apparent, [30] yet to the light belongs (the state of) not being polluted.

The Law commands the acquisition of a husband, of a wife, and to beget, to multiply like the sand of the sea, but passion, being their delight, possesses power over the souls of those begotten in this place, those who pollute and who are polluted, in order that they can fulfill the Law, and they demonstrate that they aid the world and [turn] away from the light, not being able to [pass by] the archon of darkness before paying the last [penny].[3]


The Arrival of the Son of Man

The Son of Man, however, originated from indestructability, an alien to pollution. He arrived [in the] world on the Jordan [River], and the Jordan instantly [ran] backwards, but John testified to Jesus’ [descent] because he is the one who beheld the power that descended on the Jordan River.[4] He recognized, however, that the dominance of fleshly procreation had been finished.

“The Jordan River” is the power of the body, specifically, the senses [31] of pleasures. The Jordan water, however, is lust for sexual intercourse. “John,” however, is the archon of the womb, but what the Son of Man reveals to us is that it is fitting for all of you to accept the Logos of truth, if one will receive it in its entirety.

However, regarding someone dwelling [in] ignorance, it is almost impossible for him to decrease the works of [darkness] he has committed. Those who have achieved an understanding of indestructibility, however, have grown able to oppose [passions].

[. . .] I spoke [to you]: “Build not [nor] gather things for yourselves where the thieves tear open;[5] instead, produce fruit for the Father.”


The Error of the Foolish

The foolish – erroneously imagining in their hearts that they will live if they confess, “We are Christians,” in speech only, not in power, while surrendering themselves in ignorance to human death when they are (in fact) mistaken and are unaware of where they are heading, [32] and of who Christ is – are rushing headlong toward the principalities and the authorities. They, however, fall into their clutches on account of the ignorance dwelling in them, because were speech of bearing witness alone sufficient for salvation, the entire world would bear this [and] be saved, but this is the way they have [drawn] error to themselves. [. . . they do] not [understand] that they [will destroy] themselves.

If [the Father] would actually desire a human sacrifice, he would be [arrogant]. The Son of [Man], however, donned their first-fruits. He descended to Hades and did many great works. There he raised the dead, and the world rulers [33] of darkness grew jealous of him, because they found no sin with him, but he even destroyed their works from among humans, with the result that healing was bestowed on the lame, the blind, the paralyzed, the dumb,[6] the demon-possessed, and he walked on the waters of the sea.[7] This was why he [destroyed] his flesh with [. . .] that he [. . .], and he [became . . .] salvation [. . .] his death [. . . everyone . . .].

How many [they are!] [They are] blind [guides, resembling the disciples]. They boarded [the ship; at approximately thirty] stades,[8] they [beheld Jesus walking] on the [sea]. [These] are [vacuous] martyrs, given that they testify [to] themselves alone, and nevertheless they are ill, and they are unable to lift themselves up, [34] but when they achieve perfection by suffering (martyrdom), this is what they think to themselves: “If we hand over ourselves to death for the sake of the name, we will be saved.” However, this is not how these matters are resolved. Under the influence of straying stars, however, they claim they have completed their pointless course, and they [. . .] say [. . .], but these [. . .] they have [delivered themselves over to death . . .].

The Resurrection

[. . . his . . .] and [. . .] and his [. . .], but they resemble [. . .] them, [yet] they do not possess the Logos that gives life, [and] some say, “On the last day surely we will rise [35] [in the] resurrection,” but they [know] not [what] they say, because the last day [is when] those who belong to Christ [. . . the] earth, which is [. . .], yet when the [time] was fulfilled, he destroyed their [archon] of [darkness . . .] souls [. . .]. [He took] his stand [. . .].

They asked [how they had been] bound, [and how] they might free [themselves], and [they obtained] self-[knowledge, of who they are], or rather, where they are [now], and [in what place] will [36] they find relief from their foolishness and [obtain] knowledge. [But these are the ones] Christ will convey to heaven, given that they have [renounced] ignorance and progressed to knowledge, and the ones who possess knowledge [. . .].

[. . .] the great [. . . the resurrection . . .]. [He has achieved] knowledge of [the Son of Man], that is, [he has achieved] [self]-knowledge, [but this] is the perfect life, [that] humanity knows [itself] by means of the All.

[Do not] look forward, therefore, to the fleshly resurrection, [37] which [is] destruction, [and those who] stray by [looking forward to] a vacuous [resurrection are (in fact) not (even) stripped] of [it].[9] [They know] not the power [of God], nor do they [understand the interpretation] of the scriptures, [the result of their] double-mindedness.


Born Again by the Logos

[The mystery] that [the Son of Man uttered . . .], so that [. . .] destroy [. . . the Son of] Man, who [. . .] inscribed [book . . .], because [they] have [. . . blessed . . .] inside [them, and they] live in the presence of [God beneath the light] yoke, but [the ones who do not] possess the [Logos] that gives life inside their [hearts will die], and in [their] thinking they are revealed to [the Son] of Man, in accord with [their] deeds and their [error]. [38] [. . . those] of this kind. They [. . .] he divides the [. . .], and they understand [not that the Son] of Man originates from him, but [when they] approach [. . .] sacrifice, they die [like] a human, and they [deliver themselves over to [. . .] a death [. . .].

Those who [. . .] there are many of them [. . .] each [one . . .] deprave [. . .] gain [. . .their] minds, but [those who will accept] him for themselves [with righteousness] and [power] and all knowledge [are the ones whom] he will convey [to] the heights, to eternal [life, but] regarding those who accept him for themselves [ignorant]ly, the polluted pleasures [39] will overcome over them.

[Those] people used to say, “God created [(bodily) limbs] for us to use them, for us to [increase in] pollution, so that we would enjoy [ourselves],” and they make God an accomplice [in] deeds of this [kind, and] they are [not] firm [on] the earth, [nor will they attain] heaven, but [. . .] place will [. . .] four [. . .] unquenchable [fire . . .], being [. . .].

[. . .] Logos [. . .] on [the Jordan River] when he approached [John] when he [was baptized]. The [Holy] Spirit [descended] on him [in the form of a] dove[10] [. . .] acknowledge to ourselves that [he] was born of a virgin and took on flesh, [dwelling among] [40] [us],[11] having obtained power.

[Were we] also born from a virginal state [or] begotten by the Logos? [Instead], we [have been born] again by [the Logos]. Let us, therefore, strengthen [ourselves] as virgins with male [. . .]. The males dwell [. . .] the virgin [. . .] by means of [. . .] with the Logos [. . .], but the Logos of [. . .] and spirit [. . .] is the Father [. . .] for the sake of the man [. . .].

[. . . similar to Isaiah, who was sawed (in half) with a saw], becoming two,[12] [but even the Son of] Man [cuts] us [in two] with [the Logos of the] cross. It separates [the day from] the night, and [the light from the] darkness, and the destructible [from] indestructibility, and it also [separates the] males from the females. [Isaiah], however, is [41] the type of the body, but the saw is the Logos of the Son of Man that separates us from the error of the angels.


Knowing the Truth

No one, however, knows the God of truth with the sole exception of the man who abandons everything of the world, renouncing the entire place, grasping the fringe of his garment. He has turned himself into a power. He has subjugated lust inside him in every [place]. He has made himself [male],[13] and has returned to himself by examining himself [. . .] in becoming [. . .] the mind, and [he . . . from] his soul [. . .] there [. . .] he has [. . .].

In what way [. . .] the flesh that [. . .]?
In what way [. . .] out of it, and how many [powers does he possess]?
Or who has bound him, or who will loose him?
What, however, is light, or what is darkness?
Who, however, created [the earth], or who is God?
[Who], however, [42] are the angels, or what is the soul?
Also, what is the spirit, or where is the voice, or who speaks, or who hears?
Who provokes pain, or who suffers?
Also, who has begotten the destructible flesh, and what is the (divine) plan?
Also, why are some lame, but some [blind], some [mute] and some [deaf], and some rich, [but] some poor? Also, why are some [disenfranchised, some] rebels?

[. . .] neither [. . .] all [. . .] things [. . .], he possessing [. . .] as he again [. . .] fighting against [ideas] of the archons, and the authorities, and the demons. He gave them no place where they could rest, [but] he (instead) strove against their passions [. . .] he condemned [43] their error.

Knowledge and Salvation

He purified his soul from the transgressions he had committed with an alien power.[14] He stood, being upright inside himself, because he exists inside everyone, and because he possesses death and life inside himself, yet he exists between both of them.

When he, however, had obtained power, he turned to the portion on the right, and he entered into the truth, forsaking everything pertaining to the left, being filled with wisdom, counsel, understanding, insight, and eternal power, and he tore open his <fetters>. [Those who had] formed the entire place, he sentenced them, [but they] found [not . . .] concealed inside him, [and he commanded] himself [by power].[15]

He began to know [himself, and] to speak with his [mind], which is the Father of Truth, concerning the unbegotten aeons, and concerning the virgin who gave birth to the light, and he contemplates the power flowing over the [entire] place, [44] and which embraces it; and he is a disciple of his male mind.

He began keeping silence inside himself until the day when he deserves to be welcomed above. He refuses to be verbose and argumentative, and he tolerates everything, and bears up underneath them, and he remains longsuffering with every kind of evil, and is patient with everyone. He makes himself equal to all, and he also separates himself from them, and whatever someone [wants, he gives it] to him, [so that] he can be perfect, [holy]. Given that he is a [virgin . . .], seized [him], having bound him on [. . .] and he was filled [with wisdom]. [He] testified to the truth. [He will obtain his] power and ascend to indestructibility, the place where he [came] from, having left the world, which looks like the [night], and those inside it who revolve the stars.

This, therefore, is [45] the true testimony, (namely), when someone knows himself and God, who is over the truth. He, though, will be saved, and crowned with an unfading crown.


John and Elizabeth, Christ and Maria

John was begotten by a woman speaking, Elizabeth, and Christ was begotten by a virgin speaking, Maria. What is this mystery? John was born from an old, worn-out womb, but Christ passed through the womb of a (young) virgin. After, however, she had conceived, she gave birth to the savior. Moreover, it was discovered that she was still a virgin. Why, then, do all of you err, and not search into these mysteries, which were prefigured for our sake?

The Jealous Creator

In the Law it is written concerning this that God commanded Adam: “From every tree you may eat, [but] from the tree in the middle of paradise, do not eat, because on the day that you eat of it, you will surely die,”[16] but the serpent was cleverer [46] than all the other animals in paradise, and he convinced Eve by saying: “On the day you eat of the tree in the middle of paradise, the eyes of your mind will be opened,”[17] but Eve obeyed, and she put forth her hand; took from the tree; she ate. She also gave to her husband who was with her, and they were instantly aware that they were naked, and they took some fig leaves, (and) put on girdles, but [God] arrived in the [evening], walking in the middle [of] paradise.

When, however, Adam saw him, he hid himself, and he asked: “Adam, where are you?”

He, however, answered: “[I] have gone beneath the fig tree,” and at that exact moment God [knew] that he had eaten from the tree that he had commanded him, “Eat not of it,” and he asked: “Who is the one [47] who instructed you?”[18]

Adam, however, answered: “The woman you gave me,” and the woman said: “The snake is the one who instructed me,” and he cursed the serpent and called him “devil,”[19] and he said: “Behold, Adam has become like one of us, knowing evil and good.”[20]

He then said: “Let us cast him out of paradise, in case he takes from the tree of life, eats, and lives forever,”[21] but what kind of God is that? First, he was jealous of Adam, that he ate of the tree of knowledge. Second, however, he asked, “Adam, where are you?” but (then) God does not have knowledge beforehand, specifically because he did not know from the beginning, [and] afterwards he said: “Let us cast him [out] of this place, in case he eats from the tree of life and lives forever.”

The Serpent is Christ

Surely he has revealed himself to be maliciously jealous, and [48] what kind of God is that? Because great is the blindness of those who read, and they understand not, and he said: “I am the jealous God; I will bring the sins of the fathers on the children up to three and four generations,”[22] and he said: “I will make their heart thick, and I will cause their minds to become blind, so that they cannot understand or grasp the things that are said,”[23] but these things he speaks to those who believe in him and who worship him, and [in] one section Moses writes: “[He] turned the devil into a serpent <for> [those] who are his own offspring.”

In another book, called Exodus, it is written thus: “He competed against the [magicians]. When the place was full of [serpents] on account of their wickedness, and [the rod] in Moses’s hand turned into a serpent. It swallowed the serpents of the magicians.”[24]

Again, it is written: “He made a snake of bronze, hung it on a pole [49] [. . .] which [. . .] and [. . .] because the one [who will look] on [this] bronze [serpent] will avoid [destruction], and the one who will [believe in] this bronze serpent [will be saved],”[25] because this is Christ. [Those who have] believed in him have [obtained life].[26] Those who did not believe [will die].

What is this [faith], then? [They] do not [serve . . .]. [50] [. . .] and you [do not understand Christ in a spiritual way if you say]: “We [believe] in Christ,” because [this] is the [way] Moses [writes] in every book.

The “[Book of the] Generation of Adam” [is written to those] who belong to the [generation] of [Adam]. They observe the Law and they obey it, and [. . .].

(Pages 51-53 are too fragmentary, and page 54 is a blank fragment)

The Confusion of the Heretics

[55] [. . .] the Ogdoad, being the Eighth, and that we could obtain that [place] of salvation,” [but they] do not understand what salvation is. Rather, they fall into [misfortune] and into a [. . .] into death in the [waters]. This [is] the baptism [of death that they practice [. . .] approach death [. . .] and this is [. . .] in accord with [. . .].

[56] He finished the course of Valentinus. He himself speaks concerning the Ogdoad, but his disciples are like the disciples of Valentinus. Furthermore, their portion is [to be in error] and to forsake what is good, but they favor [worshipping] idols [. . .]. He has uttered [a lot of speeches, and] composed several [books . . .] speeches [. . .].

[57] [They are] made manifest for what they (actually) are by the confusion they are in, [in the] worldly deceit, because that is the place they go to, taking along their vacuous knowledge.

Isidore as well, [his son], resembled [Basilides]. He as well [composed] a lot, and [he . . .], but he failed to [. . .] this [. . .]. His disciples as well[27] [. . .] blind [. . . but he] imparted to them [. . . pleasures . . .].

[58] They are [not] in agreement [with] one other, because the Si[mo]nians marry and produce children, but the [. . .] and refrain from their [. . .] nature [. . . to passion . . .] the droplets of [. . .] anoint themselves [. . .] which we, however, [. . . they are in agreement] with one another [. . .] him [. . .] they say [. . .].

[59] [. . . there is] no judgment [. . .] for these, owing to [. . .] them [. . .] the heretics [. . .] schisms [. . .] with the males [. . .] are men [. . .] they will belong [to the world rulers] of darkness [. . .] of the world [. . .] they possess [. . .] the [archons . . . power . . .] judge [them . . .].

The [. . .]ians, however, [. . .] speech [. . .]. [60] [. . .] speech they [will] become [. . .] in [unquenchable] fire [. . .] they are punished, [but the ones] who originate [from the generation] of the Son of [Man have disclosed] to the [. . . in] every [action . . .].

The One who Possesses Wisdom

It is, however, [difficult] to [find . . .], even to find [one from among a thousand] and two [from among ten thousand . . .], because the savior [said to his] disciples: “[. . .] one in [. . .].”[28]

[61] [. . .] and he possesses [great] wisdom, and [discretion, and] acumen, and [understanding], and knowledge, [and power], and truth, [and he possesses] some [. . .] from above [. . .] the place where the Son [of Man . . .] power [. . .] resist [. . .]. [62] [. . .] he understands [. . . he] grasps [. . .] and the All [. . .] deserving of him [. . .] true [. . .] alien [. . .], however [. . . physician . . .] adversity in [. . .] he received [baptism . . .] and the ones who [. . .].

(Pages 63 and 64 are missing.)

[65] [. . . in] a dream [. . .] silver [. . .], however [. . .] are [wealthy . . .] between the [authorities . . .], but the sixtieth [. . .] in this way [. . .] world [. . .], but they [. . .] gold [. . .].

They think: “[. . .] we have been freed from [66] the flesh.” [. . .] however [. . .] not turn to [. . .] Jesus [. . .], however [. . . the] beginning [. . .] a son [. . .] whom they [. . .] from [. . . being] the type [. . .] light [. . .]. The ones who originate from an [un]polluted indestructibility, who [. . .] so that they could [. . .] not blaspheming [. . .] [67] them not, nor does any [pleasure] or lust, or [anything that] restrains them.

It is, however, appropriate that they should become unsullied, so that they could [demonstrate] to all that [they originate from] the [generation of the] Son of Man, given that the Savior testified concerning [them], but [the ones who are] of the seed [of Adam] are made manifest from their [deeds and from] their [action]. They have not desisted [from sinful lust . . .], but some [. . .] dogs [. . .] the angels, because [. . . dogs] which are begotten [. . .] will arrive [. . .] with their [. . .]. [. . .] be in motion as they [. . . on] the day when they will beget [children]; what is more, they have sex while they are nursing.

[68] Others, however, get involved unawares in the death of [. . .]. They are [pulled] in <every> direction, being gratified by unjust mammon. They lend money [at interest]; they [while away their time] never working, but the father of [mammon] is the father of sexual intercourse.

The Generation of the Son of Man

He, however, who can renounce these things demonstrates [that] he is of the generation of the [Son of Man], possessing power to accuse [them . . .]. He is not] restrained [in these] parts by [. . . from] evil, [and he makes the] outside the same as the [inside]. [He resembles] an angel that [. . . power . . .] said them, but one [. . .], and after retreating [. . .] he grew silent, refusing to be verbose and argumentative.

[69] He, however, [who has] found the [Logos that bestows life and] has arrived at the knowledge of [the Father of Truth has obtained repose]. He has finished [seeking], having [found], but when he found, he grew silent.[29] Few, however, are the things he would say to the ones who [. . .] in their intellective [. . .] heart.


Some enter the faith [by receiving] baptism on the basis that they possess [it] as a hope for salvation, which they call the “seal,” unaware that the [fathers of] the world appear in that [place, but] he himself [understands that] he is sealed, because [the Son] of [Man] baptized none of his disciples [. . .],[30] but regarding the ones who are baptized, if they were destined for life, the world would be empty, and the fathers of baptism were defiled, but the true baptism is another matter. It is found by renouncing the world, [but the ones who] say [only] with their mouths [that they] renounce it [are liars], and they will arrive at a fearful [place]. What is more, they will be humiliated in it. Exactly like those to whom it will be assigned will be condemned, they will possess something, (namely), their evil deeds.

Idol Worship and Demons

Some of them apostatize [70] through [idol] worship. [Others], however, dwell with [demons], [as did] King David. He laid the foundation of Jerusalem, and his son Solomon, whom he begot in [adultery], built Jerusalem with the assistance of demons, because he gained [power], but when he had [finished building, he imprisoned] the demons [inside the temple, trapping them] in seven [water pots].[31] [They remained] a long [time] inside the [water pots], abandoned [there]. When the Romans [went] up to [Jerusalem], they found [the] water pots, [and immediately] the [demons] fled out of the water pots like those who escape from prison, and afterwards the water pots [remained] pure, and from those days on [they dwell] with ignorant people, and [they have remained on] earth. 

Who, then, is [David]?
Or who is Solomon?
[Or] what is the foundation?
Or what is the wall surrounding Jerusalem?
Or who are the demons?
Or what are the water pots?
Or who are the Romans?
These, however, [are mysteries . . .].


[71] [. . .] triumphant over [. . . the Son] of Man [. . . unsullied . . .]. [. . .] and he [. . .] whenever he [. . .], because [. . .] is a great [. . .] to this nature [. . .] that [. . .] those who [. . .] all in a [blessed . . .], and they [. . . resembling] a salamander. It enters a flaming oven burning extremely hot. It slithers into the [furnace . . .]. [72] The furnace [. . .]. [. . .] the limits[32] [. . .] so that they could see [. . .] and the power [. . .] sacrifice, the sacrifice being great [. . .] one [. . . but] in a [. . .], and [the Son] of Man [. . .], and [he has] been made manifest through the bubbling fountain of [deathlessness].

[73] [. . .] he is pure, [but he is] free, yet he is not envious. He is separated from everyone, from [every] kind of impertinence and envy, whose [power] is great. [He] is a disciple [. . .] pattern of the Law [. . .] these [. . .] only [. . .].

[. . .] they placed him beneath a [. . .] a doctrine [. . .] his doctrine, stating: “[Even if] an [angel] arrives from heaven and preaches to you beyond what we preached to you, may he be cursed.”[33] They do not allow the [. . .] of the soul [. . .] freedom [. . .], because they are still immature [. . .] they cannot [observe] this Law that functions by means of these heresies, although it is not they, but the powers of Sabaoth.

By means [74] of the [. . .] the doctrines [. . .] as they have envied some [. . .] the Law in Christ, [but] those who will possess the power will traverse [all of the] bodies, and [. . .] the twelve [judge . . .] them [. . .] the fountain of deathlessness [. . .] is good [. . .] the entire place [. . .] the enemies there.

He was baptized, and the [. . .] he was divinized. He flew upward; [they] did not seize him [. . .] there the [enemies . . .] because it was impossible [for them to bring him] down once again.

If anyone [. . .] seize him ignorant[ly], devoted to those who teach in the (street) corners with props and skilled tricks, they will be unable [. . .].


[1] Cf. Mark 8:15 and pars.

[2] Cf. Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13.

[3] Cf. Matthew 6:26.

[4] Cf. John 1:29-34.

[5] Matthew 6:19.

[6] Cf. Matthew 11:5; 15:30.

[7] Cf. Mark 6 :45-52 pars.

[8] About four miles.

[9] “It,” i.e., the flesh, not in the sense of the physical body (sōma), but of the sinful nature called the flesh (sarx).

[10] Cf. John 1:32 pars.

[11] Cf. John 1:14.

[12] Cf. Ascension of Isaiah 5:1-14.

[13] Cf. Gospel of Thomas 114.

[14] “Power,” literally, “hand.”

[15] “Power,” literally, “hand.”

[16] Genesis 2:16,17.

[17] Genesis 3:5.

[18] Genesis 3:8-11.

[19] Genesis 3:12-15.

[20] Genesis 3:22.

[21] Genesis 3:22,23.

[22] Exodus 20:5.

[23] Cf. Isaiah 6:10.

[24] Cf. Exodus 7:8-12.

[25] Cf. Numbers 21:6-9.

[26] Cf. John 3:14.

[27] The reading is conjectural.

[28] Cf. Gospel of Thomas logion 23.

[29] Cf. Gospel of Thomas 2.

[30] Cf. John 4:2.

[31] This tale is narrated in the Testament of Solomon.

[32] Or “ovens.”

[33] Galatians 1:8.