The Book of Thomas the Contender


The following translation has been committed to the public domain and may be freely copied and used, changed or unchanged, for any purpose. It is based on the Coptic text of Nag Hammadi Codex II, 7. The Nag Hammadi texts were written in the fourth century, subsequently buried, and then rediscovered in 1945. This revelation dialogue between Jesus and his twin brother, (Judas) Thomas, promises blessings for the wise and judgement for the foolish.

This translation from the Coptic is by Samuel Zinner and was edited by Mark M. Mattison with the generous support of Other Gospels. Chapter and verse enumerations have been added by the translator.


[ ]   Gap in the text (known as a “lacuna”)
( )   Editorial insertion to clarify the text
 [138]  Page number of the Coptic codex (Hyperlinked)
1 Footnote



[138] The secret sayings the Savior spoke to Judas Thomas that I, yes I, Mathaias, wrote down while I was walking, listening to them speak with one another.


The Savior Speaks with Thomas

The Savior said: “Brother Thomas, heed me while you have time (left) in the world, and I will disclose to you the things you have wondered about in your mind.

“Because it has been said that you are my twin and true friend, study yourself and discover who you are, the mode in which you are, and how you will be (in the future). Because you will be called ‘my brother,’ it is not appropriate for you to be self-ignorant, yet I know you have comprehended (yourself), because you already comprehended that I am true knowledge. Thus, even though you do not comprehend, as you concur with me 1, you have already achieved knowledge, and (so) you will be called ‘the one of self-knowledge.’ This is because whoever has no self-knowledge is a know-nothing, but whoever has self-knowledge has together with it already obtained deep knowledge about everything. Consequently, my brother Thomas, you have gazed on what is veiled to humans, namely, what they in (self-)ignorance stumble over.”


The Visible and the Invisible

Thomas said to the Lord: “I implore you, then, to answer what I ask of you before your ascension, and when I hear from you about concealed things, that then I can discuss them (openly). And it is clear to me that it is difficult to do the truth in front of others.”

The Savior answered: “If visible things are concealed to you, how can you hear about invisible things? If it is difficult for you to do the works of truth that in this world are visible, then how, in fact, will you do those that relate to the invisible lofty height and Fullness?

And how will you be called ‘workers’? In this regard you are students, and have not yet obtained the summit of perfection.”

Thomas responded and said to the Savior: “Explain to us about what you call invisible things, [that are nevertheless] concealed from us.”

The Savior said: [“All] bodies [. . .] the animals are begotten [. . .] it is manifest like [. . .] also this, those who are above [. . .] visible things, but [they are] visible [139] in their own root, and their fruit nurtures them. These visible bodies, however, survive by eating animals that resemble them, the result being that the bodies change. What changes will degenerate and perish, and from that point on it loses any hope for life, because that is an animal body. Accordingly, just as animal bodies perish, so these (bodily) forms will also perish. They originate from intercourse, just like those of animals, no? If it also originates from intercourse, then how will it beget something different from the animals? Consequently, then, you will remain infants until you become mature.”

And Thomas responded: “I therefore tell you, Lord, that those who talk about invisible things and things difficult to interpret resemble those who at night shoot arrows at a target. They certainly shoot their arrows like everyone (else) who does, given that they shoot at the target, yet it cannot be seen. When, though, the light emerges and veils the darkness, the work of each will then appear. And O Lord, our light, illuminate us.”

Jesus said: “The nature of light is light.”

Thomas spoke: “Lord, why does this visible light that shines for humans rise and set?”

The Savior responded: “O blessed Thomas, of course this visible light shines for you, not so that you will stay here, but so you can instead depart. And when all the chosen ones forsake the animal state, then this light will depart upward (back) to its essence, and it will greet (the light), because it is a good servant.”


Wisdom and Foolishness

The Savior continued then: “O unfathomable love of the light! O the bitterness of the fire burning in the bodies and marrow of humans, that by night and day is set ablaze in them, and that scorches the limbs of humans and [causes] their minds to become intoxicated and their souls to become insane [. . .] them in (both) males and females [. . .] night, and they perform movements, [. . .] in secret and in sight, because the males [perform movements . . . on the females] and the females on [the males]. [Accordingly, it is] [140] said: ‘All those who look for the truth from true wisdom will grow wings for flying, escaping the lust that scorches human spirits, and will grow wings to escape any (evil) spirit they see.’”

And Thomas responded: “Lord, this is precisely what I ask you about, because I have comprehended that, as you say, you are our benefactor.”

The Savior answered again: “This is why we must speak to you, because this is the teaching for the mature. If you now want to become mature, you will fulfill these things. If you do not, your name is ‘Ignoramus,’ because whoever is intelligent cannot live with a fool, since whoever is intelligent is mature in all wisdom. Whoever is wise, in fact, will be nurtured by the truth and ‘will be like a tree growing by the winding stream.’ (Psalm 1:3) To the fool, though, good and evil are the same, considering that even though some possess wings, they nevertheless run to visible things that are distant from truth. The reason is the fire that guides them creates for them an illusion of truth, [and] it illuminates them with a [perishable] beauty, and it confines them in a sweet gloom and enchants them with aromatic indulgence.

“And it will blind them with an unquenchable lust, scorch their souls, and turn into something for them like a pole pounded into their heart that they will never be able to remove. And however it wishes, it drives them around like a bit in the mouth. And with the bitterness of the captivity of lust for visible things that on impulse degenerate, change, and deviate, it has bound them with its chains and fettered their every limb. They are ever being drawn downwards. When they are killed, they are digested by all the animals of the perishable realm.”

Thomas responded: “It is clear, even as it has been said, [‘Many are . . . those who know not] [. . .] soul.’”

And [the Savior] answered: [“Blessed is] the one who is wise, who [looked for the truth, and] when finding it, [141] reposed on it forever and had no fear of those who sought to disturb him.”

Thomas responded: “Is it good for us, Lord, to repose among what pertains to us?”

The Savior said: “Yes, it is helpful, and it is good for you, because things that are visible among humans will vanish, since their fleshly vessel will vanish, and when it is reduced to nothing, it will come to exist among visible things, among things that can be seen. And then the fire they see will cause them pain because of their former love for the faith. They will be regathered to what is visible. Furthermore, those who can see among invisible things, not possessing the greatest love, they will perish in their preoccupation over this life and the scorching of the fire. After but a little while, what is visible will vanish.Then formless shadows will come out, and among the graves they will linger forever on the corpses, suffering, and their soul in decay.”

The Day of Judgement

Thomas responded: “What can we say after these things? What can we say to the blind? What teaching should we communicate to these pitiable mortals who say: ‘We came here to [do] good and not to curse,’ and yet [say], ‘If we had not been begotten in the flesh, we would never have known [sin]’?”

The Savior said: “Truly, regarding [those], do not consider them as human, but consider them [as] animals, because just like animals eat each other, so this kind of people also eat each other. It is exactly the opposite; they have forfeited [the kingdom] with their love, the sweet fire, being slaves of death and running to (do) deeds of decay. They practice the lust of their ancestors. They will be cast down into the abyss to suffer the torment of the bitter evil of their nature, because they will be whipped, causing them to run backwards to where they cannot see, and they [will be separated] from their limbs, not (bearing it) bravely, but [in] despair. And they are glad because [. . .] insanity and irrationality [. . .] [They] chase after this irrationality without recognizing [their insanity, believing] that they [are] wise. [They . . .] their body [. . .] [142] Their mind is selfishly oriented, because their thinking is preoccupied with their actions, but the fire will scorch them.”

And Thomas responded: “Lord, what will the person cast down to them do? Because I am very concerned for them, there being many who attack them.”

The Savior answered: “What do you yourself think?”

Judas, called Thomas, said: “Lord, it is right that you speak, and that I listen.”

The Savior responded: “Heed what I will tell you, and believe what is true. What sows and what is sown will vanish in the fire, in fire and water, and they will cover themselves in dark graves. And after a lot of time passes, they will manifest the fruit of evil trees, being reproved and killed in the mouths of animals and humans, urged on by the rains and winds and air and the light shining from above.”

Thomas responded: “Without a doubt you have convinced us, Lord. We know in our heart, and it is clear that it [is the case], and that your word suffices. These words you speak to us, however, are laughable and detestable to the world, because they are misinterpreted. So how can we go to preach them, because we are [not] respected [in] the world?”

The Savior responded: “I tell you truly that whoever hears [your] word and rejects it or mocks it or laughs at these matters, I tell you truly that he will be delivered to the ruler on high who as their king rules over every power, and he will twirl that one in circles and cast  him out from heaven down into the abyss, and he will be confined in a constricted gloomy place. Furthermore, he will be unable to turn or move because of the tremendous depth of Tartaros, and the [ponderous bitterness] of Hades that is unwavering. [. . .] them to it [. . .] they will not forgive [. . .] chase you. They will deliver [. . .] over to [. . .] angel Tartarouchos [. . .] fire chasing them. [143] [. . .] fiery lashes that spew a shower of sparks into the face of the one being chased.

If he runs to the west, he will encounter the fire.
If he runs to the south, he will encounter it there, too.
If he turns to the north, the danger of boiling fire will meet him again.
Nor can he find a way to the east to run away there and be rescued.

Because he did not find it in the day when he dwelt in the body, he will not find it in the day of judgment.”


Condemnation of the Godless

The Savior then continued: “Woe to you who are godless, who are hopeless, expecting what will not come to pass! Woe to you whose hope is in the flesh, even in the prison bound to perish! How long will you be forgetful? And how long will you assume that imperishable things will also perish? Your hope is fixed on the world, your god being this life! You are destroying yourselves!

Woe to you inside the fire that scorches you inside, because it is unquenchable!
Woe to you for of the wheel that spins inside your minds!
Woe to you in the clutch of the scorching that dwells inside you, because it will consume your flesh visibly and rip your souls invisibly, and will make you ready to join your friends!
Woe to you prisoners, because you are fettered in caves!

“You mock, in insane laughter you smirk! You are unaware of your damnation, and you fail to consider your state, and [you] have failed to understand that you live in darkness and [death]! Instead, you are intoxicated with fire and [filled] with bitterness. Your mind is insane because of the [scorching that is inside] you, and the venom and the attacks of your enemies are sweet to you! And the gloom rose for you like the light, because you capitulated your freedom for slavery! You blackened your hearts and relinquished your thoughts to foolishness, and you filled your thoughts with the fiery smoke inside you! And your light [was obscured] in the cloud [of . . .], and the clothes that cover you, you [. . .]. And [you] were captured by a vacuous [hope]. And whom did [you] believe? Do you [not understand that] all of [you] live among those that [. . .] you as though [you . . .].

[144] You immersed yourselves in the water of gloom!
You acted according to your own urges!
Woe to you who live in error, who neglect the light of the sun who judges the world and gazes down at the world, that will encircle all things in order to enslave enemies.
Nor do you perceive the moon, who by night and day gazes down, beholding the corpses from your slaughtering!
Woe to you who love to be close to women and (who love) unclean intercourse with them!
Woe to you caught in the clutch of your bodily powers, because they will torment you!
Woe to you caught in the clutch of the forces of evil demons!
Woe to you who lure your limbs with fire!

Who will send a shower of cool dew on you to quench the cloud of fire engulfing you together with your scorching? Who will make the sun to shine on you to dispel the gloom inside you and to conceal the gloom and impure water? The sun and moon, with the air and the wind, and the earth and the water, will grant you a fragrant scent, because if the sun does not shine on these bodies, they will wilt and perish, exactly like weeds and grass. If the sun shines on them, they take over and strangle the grapevine. If, however, the grapevine takes over and shades all the weeds and other bushes growing next to them, and [spreads] and increases, it will receive the land by itself where it grows and dominate every place where it has overshadowed it. And when it matures, it will control the entire land and will produce bountifully for its master, and will please him yet more, because he will have avoided the great trouble of uprooting these plants. However, the grapevine by itself got rid of them, even choking them, and they died and became as (dead) as the soil.”

Jesus then continued and said: “Woe to you, because you did not accept the teaching, and those who [. . .] will work at preaching [. . .]. And [you] are running into [. . .] will drive [them] downward [. . .] by day you kill them [145] so that they could rise from death.”



“Blessed are you who have knowledge beforehand of what can trip you up, and who flee strange things.
Blessed are you who are insulted and not respected for the love their Lord shows them.
Blessed are you who weep and are persecuted by those who are hopeless, because you will be freed from all captivity.

“Watch and pray that you avoid existing in the flesh, but that instead you depart from the bitter captivity of this life. And when you pray, you will find repose, because you have abandoned suffering and shame. This is because when you depart from bodily sufferings and appetites, you will obtain repose from the Good One, and you will reign with the King, you and he mutually united, from this time forward, forever and ever, Amen.”


The Book of Thomas
The Contender
Writing to the Mature

Remember me, too, my brethren,
[in] your prayers:
Peace be to the saints
And to those of the spirit


[1] The context suggests that the verb more often rendered here as “accompany” has more of a cognitive than physical valence.